Fouad WhatsApp APK Download – Anti Ban Latest Version

By downloading Fouad WhatsApp, you can enjoy advanced features that will help you communicate better and be more productive. Don't miss the chance to add something new and exciting to your social life - download Fouad WhatsApp now!
4.3/5 Votes: 184,728,068
WhatsApp LLC
Released on
Oct 18, 2010
1 Day Ago
70.92 MB
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What's new

• You can now pin messages in groups for all current members.

• You can now check your connection health during a video call by long pressing on your tile.

• Added a 'view once' option to voice messages.

These features will roll out over the coming weeks. Thanks for using WhatsApp!


Let’s change WhatsApp experience and make social life more interesting. Download Fouad WhatsApp APK now. It has many new features that will improve your messaging. In today’s fast world, everyone wants to be more efficient.

By downloading Fouad WhatsApp, you can enjoy advanced features that will help you communicate better and be more productive. Don’t miss the chance to add something new and exciting to your social life – download Fouad WhatsApp now!

Fouad WhatsApp Apk Introduction

Fouad WhatsApp is a customized version of the popular messaging app. It has extra features and options that the official app doesn’t have. With Fouad WhatsApp, users can hide their online status and customize the app’s appearance.

They can also send larger video files and share different types of documents. Fouad WhatsApp also has added security features to protect user data and privacy. Its user interface is designed to be easy to use.

  • This app can support two WhatsApp accounts on one device, making it easier for people with multiple accounts.
  • It also has a theme engine to customize how it looks. It gives more privacy options, like hiding online status and double tick marks.
  • It works with WhatsApp Web and WhatsApp Business accounts.
  • It has a lot of emoticons, stickers, and fonts. It can also send automatic replies to messages.

Foud WhatsApp is popular because it gives users more control over their messaging. People like that they can use multiple WhatsApp accounts on one device. The app gets updated a lot, so it stays current with the official WhatsApp app. This makes it better for users. It’s free to download, so lots of people use it.

The app is easy to use and has features that users can change. People like that they can customize their messaging. Overall, Foud WhatsApp is popular with users who want more options for their messaging and want to stay up-to-date with changes.

Comparison Between Fouad WhatsApp APK and Simple WhatsApp

Fouad Mods WhatsApp is different from regular WhatsApp because it has extra features and options for customization.

  • It was made by a developer named Fouad, who added new functions to make it better for users.
  • One cool thing is that it has themes, so users can change how it looks.
  • It also has better privacy settings, so users have more control over their data and how they talk to others.
  • You can share bigger files and more types of documents with this app.
  • Also, you can pick different fonts to use.
  • There are also options to change the chat background and notifications to make it more personal.

Simple WhatsApp is the official app from WhatsApp. You can download it from the Google Play Store. It has basic features like texting and calling. Your messages are kept private and secure with end-to-end encryption.

The app is easy to use with a simple design. It protects your messages from being seen or heard by others. Simple WhatsApp focuses on essential functions and doesn’t have extra features. It lets you communicate with friends and family while keeping your messages private.

Fouad Mods WhatsApp Extra Features and Functionalities

This modified version of the original messaging app offers users extra features and functionalities that are not available in the standard version.

Privacy and Security

It’s important to keep your communication secure when talking to people or sending out messages. Foud WhatsApp anti-ban helps with this by letting you change your settings for contacts, groups, and broadcasts.

You can hide things like blue ticks, second ticks, the blue microphone, typing notifications, and recording notifications. This means you can talk to people without giving away too much information or distracting them. You have control over your communication, so each interaction can be how you want it, while also being secure and private.

Fouad PrivacyFouad Privacy

Notification and launcher Icons

Foud WhatsApp apk has more options for customizing than the regular WhatsApp. You can change how the app looks, including the notification and launcher icons, by going to the settings menu. You can choose from different icons or use your own. This makes Foud WhatsApp different from the regular version and lets you make the app look the way you want.

Notification and launcher IconsNotification and launcher Icons

Themes Customization

Foud WhatsApp apk has more options for customizing than the regular WhatsApp. You can change how the app looks, including the notification and launcher icons, by going to the settings menu. You can choose from different icons or use your own. This makes Foud WhatsApp different from the regular version and lets you make the app look the way you want.

Foud WhatsApp apk

Custom Media Visibility

The latest update of Foud WhatsApp lets users choose which media files appear in their gallery. This feature is not available in regular WhatsApp.

To change your media visibility settings, go to the settings menu in Foud WhatsApp. From there, you can adjust your preferences to control what content shows up in your gallery. This gives you more privacy for your media files. With this new feature, users can manage their content visibility more easily. You can customize which images, videos, and audio files are displayed and which ones stay private.

Custom Media Visibility

Change Log

Fouad WhatsApp keeps getting better with regular updates to improve user experience. Users can check the changelog for the latest changes. The app stands out for its many options to customize messaging. Each update adds new ways to personalize messaging.

Users can change themes, fonts, and chat backgrounds. Advanced settings also let users adjust privacy and security. Fouad WhatsApp’s frequent updates mean users get a platform that keeps improving with more features and customization.

Change Log

Fouad WhatsApp Credits

This is a special feature to thank the creator of Foud WhatsApp, Fouad Mokdad. It’s not on official app stores, so users get it from websites or forums. Fouad Mokdad spends a lot of time improving the app.

Fouad Credits lets users support him with money, so he can keep making the app better. By using Fouad Credits, people can show they appreciate his work on the app. Getting Foud WhatsApp from third-party platforms has risks, but many users like its personalized features.

It let users show support for the developer and get special app features. Users can buy these credits to access customizable options, remove ads, and use exclusive themes. They are not required to use Fouad WhatsApp, but they help the developer and give users extra benefits.

Fouad Credits

Font Style

The latest WhatsApp update has exciting new features to improve how you communicate. It lets you connect easily with friends and family, and gives you many options to personalize your chats. One of the best options is changing the font style, so your messages can really stand out.

This feature lets you give your conversations a unique look that reflects your personality. Whether you like a modern font or something more playful, the font style feature lets you express yourself in new ways.

This personal touch adds creativity and individuality to your messaging, making each interaction feel more special. With this update, WhatsApp keeps innovating and giving users new tools to improve their experience.

To use custom font styles in Fouad WhatsApp, go to the settings menu in the app. Then, find and tap on Font Style to see different font options. You can choose from default and custom fonts to personalize your messages. You can also change the text size to fit your preferences.

You can customize the font color to make your messages more noticeable. This feature lets you be creative and flexible when messaging in Fouad WhatsApp, making your experience better.

Once you pick a font for your app, it will be used for all the text in the app, like chats and status updates. This makes everything look the same and creates a smooth visual experience. You can also get more fonts to add more styles. Using different fonts in your messages can make your conversations look better. This lets you personalize your messages and choose the style you like best.

Font Style

Tick Style

Tick style in Foud WhatsApp lets you change how the check marks look when your messages are delivered. By default, WhatsApp shows one check mark for sent messages and two for delivered ones. But with tick style, you can make these check marks look the way you want. This means you can personalize the appearance of the check marks to match your style.

There are lots of different styles and designs to choose from, like colored check marks, animated symbols, or custom icons. This lets you add a unique touch to your message delivery indicators. Instead of the usual black-and-white check marks, you can use bright colors or animated visuals to show when your messages are delivered. This makes the messaging app more fun and personalized for you.

In Foud WhatsApp, users can choose different tick styles like circle, square, and rounded square for their messages. These styles add a personal touch and let users show their preferences. Users can also pick the color of the check marks to personalize their chats. This customization lets users make their conversations look unique.

For example, they can use bright colors for outgoing messages and softer colors for incoming ones. This customization lets users design their messaging interface to match their style and mood. Whether someone likes a simple look with white check marks or wants to use bold colors, Foud WhatsApp gives them the freedom to choose. With multiple tick styles available, users can find one that suits them best.

Tick Style

App Lock

In the latest Fouad Mods WhatsApp, it’s easy to access privacy settings. Just go to Settings, then Privacy, and scroll to App Lock. You can turn on App Lock and choose a 4-digit pin or use your fingerprint to secure your WhatsApp. This extra security keeps your private chats private.

With App Lock on, you can be sure your WhatsApp messages are safe when you close the app or lock your device. This feature gives you peace of mind for keeping your messages confidential, whether it’s work stuff or personal.

App Lock

Anti Ban

Anti-ban features help users avoid getting banned or suspended on online platforms. They are important for modified versions of popular apps like Foud WhatsApp, which aim to protect users from being banned by the original app provider. For Foud WhatsApp, the anti-ban feature is designed to keep users using WhatsApp even though it’s modified.

By using anti-ban techniques like encryption and obfuscation of user data, Foud WhatsApp makes sure users can keep using the app without the risk of being banned by WhatsApp. This gives users a feeling of security and reliability when using modified versions of popular apps. Overall, having an anti-ban feature is crucial for these types of apps because it gives users peace of mind when customizing their app experience.

DND Mode

The Fouad WhatsApp mod APK makes it easy for users to handle their notifications and take breaks from constant messages. You can use the do not disturb (DND) mode to block notifications from this app without affecting other apps on your phone. This lets you focus on other tasks without interruptions while still using other necessary apps.

The DND mode only affects the internet connection for Fouad WhatsApp, so you can still use other apps as needed. This feature gives users more control over notifications and interruptions for a better user experience.

Broadcast Text Messages

Broadcast text messages let you send messages to many people at once. This is helpful for businesses, organizations, or individuals who need to share important information with a large group. Using Fouad WhatsApp broadcast text messages saves time because you don’t have to message each person individually.

This makes it easy to share information, updates, promotions, or announcements quickly and efficiently. Recipients of the broadcast messages can’t see each other’s contact information or responses, which keeps things private and professional.

You can also personalize Fouad WhatsApp broadcast messages with the recipient’s name or other details, making it a more customized experience. These messages can also be scheduled in advance for specific times and dates, giving you flexibility.

Hide Your Status Seen

Fouad WhatsApp is a changed version of the messaging app, WhatsApp. It lets you hide your Last Seen status from others, giving you more control over your privacy. This means others can’t see when you were last active on the app.

Fouad WhatsApp also lets you hide when you are typing a message or recording an audio message. This can be helpful if you want to avoid pressure to respond immediately or maintain a low profile. You can also choose whether others can see if you have read their messages. This gives you the freedom to engage with messages at your own pace without feeling obligated to reply right away.

Download status, Images, Videos, and Stories

Fouad WhatsApp is a changed version of WhatsApp with extra features and options not in the regular version. One popular feature is the ability to download status updates, like images and videos, from other users. Users can save these media files to their devices for later viewing or sharing. This makes it easier to keep media that would otherwise disappear after 24 hours.

Fouad WhatsApp also lets users customize the app’s appearance and behavior, making their messaging experience more personal. Overall, Fouad WhatsApp improves the user experience with added features and customization.

Auto Reply

Auto Reply lets users set up automatic responses for incoming messages on the popular messaging app. It’s helpful when users can’t respond right away, like during meetings or vacations. Users can make custom automated replies for their contacts. This helps manage response expectations and ensures important messages are acknowledged quickly.

Users can personalize their auto reply message, including mentioning why they’re unavailable or giving alternative contact info. The feature gives users flexibility and control over the messages sent in response to incoming messages. Users can also set up responses with emojis and multimedia content for a personal touch.

Anti-Delete Messages and Status

It lets users stop others from deleting their messages and status updates. This is useful when users want to keep their conversations and updates, even if the other person tries to delete them. The anti-delete feature works for both individual and group chats, so users can keep a record of all interactions without missing important information.

It also helps with transparency and accountability by saving the original content shared in conversations. Fouad WhatsApp gives users more control over their digital communications and helps them protect important or sensitive information. This feature also meets the increasing need for data privacy.

Send Maximum Pictures with High Quality

The newest version of Foud WhatsApp lets you send up to 90 high-quality photos at once. This means you don’t have to worry about the picture quality getting worse. You can easily share lots of photos without losing their good look.

The latest update also makes it better for sending big files, so your high-quality photos get sent quickly. This upgrade makes it easier and more fun to share photos on WhatsApp if you care about picture quality.

5-minutes status

It lets users share short updates with their contacts, like quick videos or pictures, that only last for 5 minutes. You can find this feature easily by tapping the status icon in the app. It makes it easier to share things with friends and family more often.

The 5-minute limit is long enough to say something, but short enough to keep it urgent. It also makes group messaging simpler by letting you send quick updates to specific groups. This update improves the WhatsApp experience by making it easier to share things with others.

Other WhatsApp like OGWhatsApp, TM WhatsApp, Aero WhatsApp, GB WhatsApp and GB WhatsApp Pro has same feature of 5-minute status.

Filter Messages

FWA has a message-filtering function that helps users organize their communications. You can sort messages by criteria like read/unread status, starred, and archived. This makes it easier to find important conversations quickly. The tool saves time and makes it easier to focus on important discussions, improving productivity.

Profile Pic Wallpaper

This latest version lets you personalize your profile picture with custom wallpaper, so you can show off your unique style. This update makes it easier for your profile to stand out among others. Adding custom wallpaper to your profile picture gives it a personal touch and enhances your experience using WhatsApp.

It allows you to be more creative and express yourself, making your profile more eye-catching and impactful. This feature gives you the chance to showcase your personality through your profile.

Pin Live Location

The latest Fouad WhatsApp APK has a new feature called Pin Live Location. It lets users share their real-time location with a specific chat or group for a set amount of time. This can be helpful for meeting up with friends or family, or for safety. T

o use it, you do the same thing as in regular WhatsApp. In a chat or group, you choose the Pin Live Location option and set a time limit for how long your location will be shared, from minutes to hours. This gives you control over privacy and makes sure your location is only visible for as long as you want.

The people you share your location with can track your movements in real-time during the set time. This feature helps coordinate meeting points or give peace of mind to loved ones.

Log History

Fouad WhatsApp lets users see and manage their chat history. Unlike regular WhatsApp, Fouad WhatsApp lets users view their chat history in the app. To use this feature,

Go to the settings section in Fouad WhatsApp. There, you’ll find an option for viewing your chat history. With this feature, users can easily see all their past chats, including details like the date and time of each message and whether it was sent or received.

This makes it easy for users to keep track of their conversations and find specific messages when needed. Access to chat history in Fouad WhatsApp improves the user experience and adds useful functionality to the messaging platform.

Unread Message Counter

The unread message counter shows how many unread messages you have for each chat on the WhatsApp icon. It helps you know which chats you need to respond to and which you can ignore. In the newest Fouad WhatsApp version, you can turn this feature on or off in the app settings. You can also adjust it to fit your preferences.

Notification of being online

The Last Seen or Online feature in WhatsApp lets other users see when you were last active on the app and if you are currently online. By default, this feature is on in the official WhatsApp version, so your contacts can see your activity status.

In Fouad WhatsApp, you can customize this feature to control how others see your activity. You can hide your Last Seen time, Online status, and Typing status. To do this, go to the Fouad WhatsApp settings and find the privacy settings.

Pop Up Notification

Pop-up notifications in Fouad WhatsApp show a preview of messages or calls even when your screen is locked or you’re using another app. You can turn this feature on or off in the app settings.

When it’s on, you’ll get a pop-up notification for new messages or calls, even if your screen is locked or you’re using another app. It’s useful for quickly responding to messages or calls without unlocking your device or switching to the WhatsApp app.

Message Scheduler

A message scheduler lets you schedule messages to be sent later. It can help you send a message at a specific time when you’re not available.

You can access this feature in Fouad WhatsApp’s settings. There, you can set the message, recipient, and send time. The message will be sent automatically at the scheduled time. This feature is useful for scheduling reminders, sending greetings, and wishing someone a happy birthday.

View Once

Fouad WhatsApp has a View once feature. It lets users send messages or media that the recipient can only see once. After the recipient views it, the message or media is deleted and can’t be seen again. This feature gives extra privacy and security for sensitive information.

Fouad WhatsApp APK For PC

Fouad WhatsApp is a modified version of WhatsApp for Android. It’s not officially for PC, but you can use an Android emulator like BlueStacks, NoxPlayer, or LDPlayer to run it on your computer. After installing an emulator, you can download Fouad WhatsApp from a reliable source and install it.

Fouad WhatsApp Download and Install Guidelines

To get the latest version of Fouad WhatsApp, follow these steps: Click the button below to download Fouad WhatsApp.

  • Enable Unknown Sources: This app is not from an official store, so it’s best to allow your phone to install apps from unknown sources. Go to your phone’s security settings and turn on Unknown Sources.
  • Install the APK file: After downloading the APK file, go to your phone’s download folder and tap the file to install it. Follow the on-screen instructions to finish the installation.
  • Set up your account: Once the installation is done, open the app and set up your account by entering your mobile number. You’ll get an SMS with a verification code; enter it to verify your account.

How to Connect with Personal Computer

The infographic shows how to connect Fouad WhatsApp to your computer.

How to Connect with Personal Computer

Fouad WhatsApp Data Backup Procedure

Fouad WhatsApp has a different backup feature called Titanium Backup. This feature lets users save chat data offline on their phone’s storage. Users can access this feature in the app under Mod Settings > Universal > Backup and restore. Using a third-party app like Fouad WhatsApp may have different backup and restore methods. It provides extra security and privacy compared to the official WhatsApp.

Fouad WhatsApp Latest version Download and Installation Method

Downloading Fouad WhatsApp is easy. After installing the app, you’ll get notifications for updates. If you don’t, you can check for updates by clicking on the three dots in the top-right corner, going to Fouad Settings, and pressing Updates Check. Now you have the latest version of Fouad WhatsApp.


Download Fouad WhatsApp apk to change your communication experience. It has many features like sending messages, making calls, and sharing media. It is widely used and offers secure messaging with customization options.


What is Fouad WhatsApp APK?

Fouad WhatsApp APK is a modified version of the original WhatsApp application, offering additional features and customization options.

Is Fouad WhatsApp APK safe to use?

Yes, Fouad WhatsApp APK is safe to use as long as you download it from a trusted source and keep it updated to the latest version.

What are the features of Fouad WhatsApp?

Fouad WhatsApp APK offers features such as customizable themes, privacy settings, message scheduling, and more.

Can I use Fouad WhatsApp without getting banned?

Yes, the Anti-Ban Official Latest Version of Fouad WhatsApp APK has measures in place to prevent users from getting banned.

Is Fouad WhatsApp APK compatible with my device?

Most Android devices are compatible with Fouad WhatsApp APK, but it’s always best to check for specific requirements before downloading.

Can I transfer my chat history from original WhatsApp to Fouad WhatsApp?

Yes, you can transfer your chat history by backing up your chats on original WhatsApp and restoring them on Fouad WhatsApp APK.

Are there any legal issues associated with using Fouad WhatsApp?

As long as you use it responsibly and respect privacy laws, there should be no legal issues associated with using Fouad WhatsApp APK.


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How to install Fouad WhatsApp APK Download - Anti Ban Latest Version APK?

1. Tap the downloaded Fouad WhatsApp APK Download - Anti Ban Latest Version APK file.

2. Touch install.

3. Follow the steps on the screen.